7 Infallible Hair Care Tips for Women Over 50
Clogging the shower drain with hair almost conjures images of a horror film with the 50-something star actress screaming in dismay at her limp, lifeless, thinning hair! Well, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare… by following these 7 simple tips of hair care for women over 50, you CAN achieve that dream do and be the star of your own show!
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#1 - Choose the Right Shampoo (and Don’t Use Too Much of It!)
#2 - Daily Hair Brushing Can Make All the Difference
#3 - Optimise Your Diet (Here’s How…)
#4 – Be Careful with Hair Colouring
#5 – Avoid Au Natural Drying...
#6 - … And Turn Down the Heat!
#7 - Coconut Oil Is Your Friend
#8 - Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Should You Wash Your Hair After Menopause?
How Do You Rehydrate Aging Hair?
How Can I Make My Hair Thicker After 50?
How Can I Make My Hair Shiny After Menopause?
The Bottom Line on Hair Care for Women Over 50
#1 - Choose the Right Shampoo (and Don’t Use Too Much of It!)
Choosing a shampoo suitable for your hair type (dry, oily, normal) is a great place to start with haircare for women over 50. As much as we all love those clean, fresh hair feels, experts agree that washing your hair too often can strip it of the natural oils causing your hair to become dry and brittle. However, washing it at least twice per week will ensure you clean your scalp of any build up.
#2 - Daily Hair Brushing Can Make All the Difference
Brushing your hair can improve circulation to your scalp, encouraging hair growth, and distribute your hair oils from the roots to the ends of your hair, giving you a natural shine. Keep in mind that you want to avoid breakage with your brush, so gently detangle your hair with a comb before brushing twice daily (1).
#3 - Optimise Your Diet (Here’s How…)
What you eat can have a huge impact on your hair. In fact, some nutritional deficiencies are discovered by analysis of your hair! So, it makes sense that eating a balanced diet, rich in vitamins A, C, D and E, zinc, iron, biotin, essential fatty acids and protein (hair is made of the protein keratin) will reward you with healthy hair (2).
As we age our appetite decreases, making it more difficult to get the nutrients we need to support hair growth and prevent hair loss (3). Adding Happy Mammoth’s New Happy Hair to your daily routine can help. The scientifically backed natural ingredients work to cleanse the pathway for fast growth, help to rebuild hair and scalp structure and nourishes your hair for long-lasting results.
#4 – Be Careful with Hair Colouring
Colouring your hair can serve many purposes from covering grey hairs to a complete makeover. But it’s probably no big surprise that colouring or bleaching your hair (at any age) damages it. And don’t be fooled by 'natural alternatives' to hair dyes as they can often be just as damaging and cause skin irritation. Hair care for women over 50 who dye their hair regularly should incorporate more hydration (coconut oil will help with this) and less heat treatments, like hot hair drying and straightening.
#5 – Avoid Au Natural Drying...
Your hair can absorb up to 30% its own weight in water! According to Dr Tim Moore, the Chief Technology Officer at ghd, if you let your hair dry slowly, the swelling from holding excess water damages the cell membrane complex of the hair (4). He suggests towel-drying your hair by gently scrunching it (no rubbing) and then quickly drying your hair with low heat.
#6 - … And Turn Down the Heat!
Nobody likes a hot-head, literally or figuratively, and neither does your hair! Hair care for women over 50 should always take into consideration that hair growth and diameter start to decline, so keeping the hair you have as healthy as possible is important.
Research has found that hair surfaces tended to become more damaged as the hair drying temperature increases (5). And although using a hair dryer caused more surface damage than natural drying, using a hair dryer at a distance of 15 cm with continuous motion caused less overall damage than drying hair naturally.
#7 - Coconut Oil Is Your Friend
Washing, styling and colouring your hair can cause loss of some of the fibrous proteins that give your hair structure. This makes your hair susceptible to breakage and thinning. Studies suggest that coconut oil is effective at reducing protein loss from hair compared to other oils (6). Scientists propose that the long, straight structure of medium chain fatty acids that make up coconut oil mean its easily absorbed into hair.
Incorporating coconut oil as a prewash hair protector, leave-in conditioner or massaged into your scalp can leave you with great smelling, healthy hair. However, beware of using too much coconut oil as it can build up on your scalp and hair leaving it with the dreaded 'greasy' look.
#8 - Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Regrow Hair After 50?
The short answer is YES! But it depends on the cause of your hair loss.
Thinning hair happens naturally as you age but sometimes hair loss may be due to illness, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, stress or simply pulling your hair back too tightly. Regrowing hair as part of a regime of hair care for women over 50 needs to incorporate addressing the issues that are causing your hair loss first and then treating all 3 steps of the Healthy Hair Pathway with the help of supplements like AquaminF, Bamboo silica and Pomanox.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair After Menopause?
After menopause, the oil glands in your scalp tend to be less active due to the drop in androgen hormones which often means you can get away with fewer washes. However, your hair type, texture, oil production, and amount of sweat you produce will all impact how often you wash your hair. One of the main things that hair care for women over 50 involves is looking for signs that you’re washing too much or too little (7). If your hair is dry and brittle or your scalp is irritated and itchy then you may need to wash less. In general, two to three washes per week is average.
How Do You Rehydrate Aging Hair?
Dry hair is a common complaint when it comes to hair care for women over 50. Given the less active oil glands are not giving you the natural moisture hit you need, a great alternative is giving it a natural boost with coconut oil.
How Can I Make My Hair Thicker After 50?
As women approach menopause, the levels of estrogen decline and testosterone increases. These hormonal changes can be reflected in the density and diameter of your hair. While you can’t stop ageing or your genetics, you can ensure you’re giving your hair every opportunity to grow thick and strong through eating well. Hair follicles are made of protein and need certain vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids to achieve optimal function and growth. Adding a supplement that contains Biotin, Vitamin B5 and Pomanox may help!
How Can I Make My Hair Shiny After Menopause?
Shiny hair is synonymous with healthy hair, right?! Making your hair shiny after menopause is really about making it as healthy as possible. Following the tips above that highlight hair care for women over 50 (avoid over-washing, brush regularly, avoid heat and chemical treatments, eat well, supplement your diet, and add a little helper like coconut oil) will give your hair the best possibility of shining!
The Bottom Line on Hair Care for Women Over 50
So, are you all ready to let your hair take a starring role in your life? If you feel that you’re doing all the "right" things and not getting the results you want, try Happy Mammoth’s New Happy Hair. The completely natural ingredients (with NO fillers) support hair strength, growth and thickness. Plus, it’s specially formulated for women’s hair loss and thinning. The plant-based formula is guaranteed to give you fast and lasting results.