How To Make Coconut Water Kefir: 9 Easy Steps With A Video Tutorial
Fermented drinks such as Coconut Water Kefir are well respected in the gut health world and for good reasons. It is a powerful source of probiotics which are the gold standard for improving your digestive system. Keep reading on to discover how to make coconut water kefir, why its good for you and how you can add it to your diet (hint: watch the video first and then use the steps at the bottom of this article as reference points :D)
What is Coconut Water Kefir?
Kefir is a fermented beverage that originated from the Caucasus Mountains. The ferment is made using a sugary medium and kefir grains. Water kefir grains consist of a densely populated polysaccharide matrix of bacteria and yeast.
Depending on the geographical location and growth conditions the make up of these grains can really vary a lot. In general, the microbiota of water kefir is known to be a stable association of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and yeasts <1>.
Findings from different studies tell us that the microbial communities found in kefir differed from each sample indicating that the specific percentages of each species aren’t the most important characteristic of water kefir. Instead, it is the overall metabolic capacity of the microbial community that is more important than species designation <2>.
Coconut Water Kefir Benefits
The Coconut water kefir benefits stem from the diversity of probiotics found in this fermented food. Probiotics are the good bacteria found in our guts.
Lactic Acid Bacteria
Scientific research has found evidence for:
- Improves digestion
- Enhances immune system
The lactic acid producing bacteria found in kefir have beneficial effects with respect to digestive symptoms, food allergies, and innate immunity. They have been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells, including cytotoxic activity against tumor formation <3>.
Aceitic Acid Bacteria
Scientific research has found evidence for:
- Promotes blood sugar balance
- Improves digestion
On the other hand, the aceitic acid bacteria that has been isolated from kefir is recognized for its ability to improve blood sugar control through its interaction with starch digesting enzymes <4>.
Zygosaccharomyces florentinus
Scientific research has found evidence for:
- Gut pH resilience
- Anti-inflammatory
- Fights off yeast overgrowth
- Enhances immune system
- Facilitates detoxification
The most predominant yeast in water kefir is Zygosaccharomyces florentinus and unsurprisingly it is one of the most resistant species. A study found that Zygosaccharomyces produces a killer toxin that is proposed to fight against pathogenic yeasts such as Candida. The same study also established that the yeast binds toxins, and modulates the immune system or anti-tumor activities <5>.
Water kefir has become a popular dairy free alternative to the traditional milk kefir. While it is often suggested to use sugar water for the medium, naturally sweet coconut water is a perfect substitution for the growth of beneficial microflora. Coconut kefir is an effervescent beverage that provides all of the benefits from the raw coconut without the high sugar intake. Coconut water is full of minerals and amino acids and when it undergoes fermentation its functional nutrition is enhanced.
What Do I Need?
- 4 young coconuts
- 60mL (¼ cup) kefir grains
- Glass 100mL (quart) jar
- Cloth cover
- Glass bottling jars
- Glass pitcher
- Strainer
- 2 tsp organic sugar
How To Make Coconut Water Kefir: 9 Steps
1. Sterilize all surfaces and equipment.

2. Open coconuts and pour liquid into quart jar or bowl (if a bowl you can then pour it into a quart/mason jar). Using a sifter is optional but preferred.

3. Add kefir grains.

4. Cover with clean cloth or paper towel and secure with rubber band.

5. Allow to ferment out of direct sunlight with proper airflow for 48 hours.

6. Transfer fermented liquid into glass pitcher using strainer to reserve kefir grains. (Allow ½ inch of headspace in glass)

7. Add 1/2 tsp of organic cane sugar to each jar or 1/2 tbsp of fruit puree.

8. Make sure jars are airtight and store out of the fridge for one week.

9. Transfer to fridge and store 24 hours to properly cool before enjoying.